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About the Author


My interest in military history goes back to my childhood but my foray into the world of citizen investigative journalism, weapons identification, and military analysis online began back in August 2014 as the war in Ukraine continued to escalate. At first, I dedicated much of my time dispelling the various pieces of propaganda being distributed by both the pro-Russian and Ukrainian sides as well as providing updates on what was going on at the frontlines.


I then began to get more interested in the Syrian Civil War and to research and post on that as well which led to an increasingly large collection of data on the Islamic State as well as monitoring several of their social media sites. On October 22, 2014, a shooter that sympathized with ISIS attacked the Canadian Parliament. During the course of that day, an account sympathetic to ISIS posted the first picture of the shooter claiming he had done it for ISIS. Running with the lead, I posted the alleged picture with the information. From there, my Twitter account blew up with nearly 3,000 new followers in the matter of 2 days and hundreds of media requests for information in my email.


Since that day, followers of my account have grown and I have done my best to provide information and analysis on both the Ukraine War and the Syrian Civil War as well as many other conflicts that peak my interest. I hope that this blog will serve as a great resource for those hoping to learn the truth in war without any bias or propaganda.

Why the "polite people" logo?

Since my account started with following the Ukraine War, I felt it only appropriate to pay tribute to that. One of the most iconic images of the early days of war was that of the "polite people" patch which portrayed a Russian soldier beside a cat (which is also fitting considering my affection for cats). By using this as a logo, I have faced a lot of criticism as some consider it to mean I sympathize with the Russian side but it is only an icon and has no bearing on my work.

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